Happy Monday Everyone! It’s my second last Monday before I head home for Christmas and I couldn’t be more thrilled, I’m getting so excited at the thought of seeing my family and fur babies for the first time in 9 months (the longest I’ve gone without seeing them). The build up to Christmas is so very busy in New York, work is pretty hectic as the end of the year rolls around, you’re running around the city trying to soak up all of the festiveness and get that Christmas shopping done and then I’ve been burning the midnight oil all weekend working on some exciting blog content that I can’t wait to share with you guys!

I met fellow Irish girl in New York and my new friend Stephanie for some frozen yoghurt at The Plaza Hotel yesterday and we both were taking about how glamorous New York seems from the outside but how it can be a tough place to be from time to time! I remember when I first started working out here, I was feeling a little over whelmed with the long hours, especially working in social media, there’s a constant need to be “always on”.  Sometimes I feel like my head is always in my phone working even if its a Saturday and I’m out for brunch or whatever,  and initially it definitely felt like it was overwhelming but it’s amazing how with time you just adapt and do what you gotta do! My Mom always says that your twenties are not a time to be taking the easy route, now is the time that we need to be putting in the groundwork in hopes that it all pays off later in life! I turned 25 in September and while it’s scary to think about the responsibilities that come with getting older, there’s also something so rewarding about learning more about yourself and gaining the confidence that I never had when I was 20! One of the main differences about 25 year old me Vs 20 year old me, is that I just DGAF about what people think anymore lol. You get to a point where you accept yourself for the person you are and stop looking for approval from others and just live your life! My advise for my 20 year old self would totally be hustle for that muscle AND always believe in yourself, even if others don’t!








Photography: Edelle Kenny

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Ok enough sappiness for this post! Have a great week everyone!

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