Good Morning Everyone! I had the nicest few days over the weekend and couldn’t be feeling more ready for the week ahead after taking some time to myself. Yesterday Cathal and I went on a little adventure to Upstate New York where we found the most beautiful hiking path in a place call Mohonk Preserve. I can’t actually tell you how nice it was to escape Manhattan for a few hours and enjoy the fresh air in the countryside! It’s something that doesn’t happen very often but when it does, I always feel more motivated and energised after it!

It actually got me thinking about how your energy levels affect your motivation and productivity! Last week after The Met Gala, I literally felt so drained all week and I think it had something to do with me feeling so stressed and anxious in the days leading up to it, but today I feel fresh as a daisy and more focused than usual and I genuinely think it’s because this past weekend was nice and relaxing! So when skincare brand SK-II challenged me to share what motivates me, I thought I would share some other tips that help keep me motivated, because god know sometimes we all need a dose of motivation to start the week!

Determine What Motivates You: I think the best thing to do to keep yourself on track is to really figure out what are your motivating factors. If you’re trying to get in shape for Summer is it because you have a fun holiday coming up? If you’re working real hard at work, is it because you want a promotion or a raise? Determining those end goals for me always makes it a little easier to visualise the end result and to remind myself of on those days where I’m lacking in focus. For me my biggest motivation is working hard while I’m here in New York so I can take everything I learn back home to set up my own business in Ireland.

 Write it down: I don’t know about you, but writing down my goals whether it be small mundane things or bigger longterm goals is an absolute must. Even if it’s writing them in the notes on your phone means you can remind yourself of them every morning when you start the day. It might seem like a simple thing, but having those goals in the back of your mind all day can do wonders for your motivation.

Don’t compare yourself to others: Sometimes the biggest motivational detterent can be comparing yourself to others. That quote that says “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle” ALWAYS resonates with me because you never know what other people had to endure to get where they are today. Everyone is on a journey and there is room for everyone to make their dreams come true and be successful!

Change of scenery: If you’re finding that one of the days you’re lacking in motivation when you’re trying to do something, take a little break and mix up the scenery. I remember when I  was in college, I could never fully focus in the college library, so I would always study at home and every hour when I started to procrastinate I would move to another room! One time I even studied in my bathtub sitting on a bunch of pillows! It might sound a little silly, but a change of scenery always seemed to do the trick in helping me get focused again!

Remember your successes and don’t fear failure: Sometimes it can be SO easy to forget how far we’ve come and even though we might be exactly at the end goal yet, we’re working hard to get there and at the end of the day, that itself says a lot! I’m a huge believer in celebrating every small success. The other thing that I feel is really important when motivating yourself, is not to be afraid of failure. I think failure is inevitable in life, especially when you’re in your 20’s trying to find your way! I like to think for every little opportunity that doesn’t work out, there’s a bigger one just around the corner. Something I told myself again and again when I was job hunting when I moved to New York.

Ripped Jean s

nyc blogs

Irish bloggers living in nyc


Photography: Edelle Kenny

Huge thank you to SK-II for partnering with me on this post. SK-II are a fabulous skincare brand that I was first introduced to last year, and their facial treatment essence has been a must in my skincare routine in helping me keep my skin looking fresh, which isn’t an easy thing when living in New York and battling the elements of harsh weather and pollution! Their latest #FaceTheWild campaign stars one of my favorite bloggers Chiara Ferragni as she sets out to one of the driest desserts in America to put her skincare to the test!



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