Can you guys believe that Christmas was already a month ago? Theres been a lot of things I’ve discovered this month for my Currently blog post! I’ve given this series a little bit of a visual make over so hopefully you guys will enjoy it!


Happy Halloween: I have to say that I love Halloween big time! I love taking the time to think of a creative outfit (a fews years back I was a fluffy chicken!). I think my favourite celeb costume this year has to be Katy Perry dressed up as a Cheeto! Who could ever have thought … Continue Reading

Currently: The June Edition

Excited for: Father of the Bride 3! When I got word that my favourite movie of all time was coming out with  a third I got so excited! Everything about Father of the Bride makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, from the beautiful house they live in to Steve Martin who reminds me so … Continue Reading

Currently: The May Edit

Excited for: My internship to begin on Monday. One of the main reasons I came to New York this Summer was to get some experience in the event management field. By some stroke of god I landed a wonderful internship which I start this week. My first event is on a rooftop in the city … Continue Reading