Push Yourself: Sometimes I don’t even think we realise what we are actually capable of. Its easy to get into a daily routine where you do the same things day in day out and eventually come to a point where you wonder what’s next? The answer is nothing, unless you make something happen! Dreamed of moving countries, changing jobs then push yourself and try it. If all else fails then at least you have the comfort of knowing you tried your best!
It’s true: Traveling is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer. So take every chance you get to visit somewhere new, even if its an unvisited town near where you live. Last November Cathal and I visited Paris for the first time together and I really fell in love with a new city and its culture. This year while living in New York, its definitely a little hard to save up to make those long hauled trips so we’ve planned some fun little road trips instead. Next month we’re going pumpkin picking upstate!
Miscellaneous: Drink lemon water (your skin will thank you for it), Write down all of your ideas, Smile at people on the street, Network as much as you can (you never know who’s helping hand you could need down the line), Buying yourself pretty flowers or cupcakes after a shitty day DOES help, and most importantly don’t compare your beginning to someone else middle!