Hi Everyone! I have to say I’m definitely feeling refreshed after the most relaxing weekend. Some of you might have seen on Snapchat (Michaelabear1) or Instagram, that the girls and I went on a “Staycation” at The Boro Hotel in Long Island City. Sometimes when you’re living in Manhattan, it’s vey easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget what an amazing city it is but the one thing that reminds me every single time is the view of the New York skyline. The best thing about the entire experience at The Boro was the views of the skyline. Honestly I was lying in bed looking at the freaking Empire State Building, how many times in my life will I get to experience that!
When Cathal and I first moved here we actually looked at several apartments in Long Island City! Its the first stop on the subway outside of Manhattan and there’s a beautiful park called Gantry State Plaza that over looks all of Manhattan so it’s definitely a special place! However we ended up in the Upper East Side which was an absolute blessing and I can honestly say I wouldn’t rather live anywhere else in New York. The fact that I can walk one block from my house to shoot my blog looks on Park Ave will never ever get old.

Photography: Edelle Kenny
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