Happy Hump Day Everyone! Some of you might have seen on my Instagram that I’ve been counting down the days for my trip home tomorrow and I just cannot believe it’s finally here! This year has literally been the fastest of my life and I feel like the Christmas holidays just came out of nowhere. Going home for Christmas is by far the best feeling in the world and something I look forward to all year long. I can’t wait to see my family and most importantly, MY FUR BABIES!!! I’m so excited to spend some time in Galway and hopefully go on a couple of little road trips while I’m home, being away has definitely made me appreciate the Irish countryside so I’m really hoping to do a little exploring while I’m there.

One of my favorite things about the festive season is seeing all of the Christmas stock in my favorite stores, so much sparkle and velvet makes it VERY hard not to buy everything around me! This dress from And Other Stories was one I just couldn’t leave behind, I really think it’s the perfect Christmas outfit and could also be cute paired with tights for a more casual look. Edelle and I shot this right outside the very festive Plaza Hotel (which was on my Best Things To Do In NYC During Christmas Post). As excited as I am about going home, I feel so lucky that I got to spend the lead up to Christmas over here, it really is the most magical time of the year!






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Photography: Edelle Kenny

Also just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who sent kind messages about my YouTube Channel launch, I’m so excited to be starting something new and will be posting my next video before the end of the week so make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!

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